- Marlana Eck interviewed us for Lehigh Valley Vanguard.

- We were Fig Bethlehem’s 2015 Social Mission Partner! SPRING / SUMMER / FALL / HOLIDAY
- Miranda Hever attended LV Ladyfest 2015 and took photos that appeared in The Morning Call’s Nightcrawler.
- Jaime K. wrote a lovely article about us for Lehigh Valley Style.

- Erin Gallagher from The Morning Call spent some time with us at LV GRC 2016 and this is what she saw.
Here are some photos by Miranda Hever from the LV GRC 2016 showcase.

- Nicole from Southsider attended the inaugural Band Factory showcase and wrote about the experience.
- PBS39 produced a segment about the Let’s Rock Camp showcase!
- Greta wrote a feature about our executive director in The Morning Call.
- Here’s an article + video about what it’s like to participate in The Band Factory!
- We were interviewed for a podcast!

- We were on the radio!
- We were interviewed for another podcast!
- Here’s an article about our return to the stage.