Do you want to start a band and play a show?! We can help! And you can help LVGR by supporting fundraising for our youth programs! Band Factory is our most popular adult program that also doubles as a fundraiser for Get LOUD Camp!

no experience necessary / free to join / open to cisgender women and nonbinary/trans adults ages 18 - 100!




How it works:
1. Register!
We'll match you with two or three other participants and then introduce you all to each other as new bandmates! Or, if you're joining with friends, let us know and we'll put you together. (We just ask that you aren't an established band already.)
2. Write some songs!
Once we link you up, coordinating band practice is totally up to you. You'll be on your own, but you'll have assistance from one of our volunteers and other help along the way!
3. Raise money for LVGR!
This is a fundraiser! You'll have a monetary goal each month. Prizes will be awarded monthly to the band that raises the most money and the band that has the most donors. There’s also a special grand prize!
4. Get to the gig!
The showcase will be the culmination of all your hard work. Winners from each month will be announced for all to hear *and* there'll be a special prize for the crowd favorite.